Saturday 4 July 2015

How to use Android OS on PC

Android is a very popular Operating system of the year 2015 and its users are increasing by day and if you are here you probably wanted to have it too.reasons might be that you don't have a android device , you want to play android game simultaneously or other reason.Using Android on  PC was a very good experience .You can play games without any battery loss yayyy!! i know how it feels watching your battery going down :O . but trust me you are gonna enjoy using Android on PC.
How? its simple you don't have to be a tech to do there are some requirements that your PC must fulfill .


  1. Operating System Windows 7/8 or later
  2. Ram 2 GB Minimum
  3. Latest Video Drivers

How to use Android OS on  PC ?


I would say this is the best program ever to use android on your PC .It is simple to install and once install you can run Android apps.its seamlessly because you can download apps directly from play store which already integrated .It is the fastest you can experience with a taste of joy ! The best is that you can still use windows at the other hand .Use both of your operating system isn't it that a awesome thing of course it is try it out by download through this link  .
There are other similar software available to download such as You-wave ,Andy OS and others but Blue-stacks is outstanding.

Android VM

You can also create a virtual machine on your PC and use android as an operating system by installing it on Virtual PC. Androidx86 is a google project which enable to use android on PC you can download it at
Download a suitable version for you..

There are still others ways to use android on PC but these were the most reliable and fastest so i shared you can use Google's android emulator also which comes with Android SDK
I hope this completes your requirements and enjoy !!

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