Saturday 11 July 2015

How to ban someone in Facebook Group

Ignoring someone is a hard one when you still have to see them everyday sitting in your circle , just like that on Facebook we want to ignore people that we don't like and sometimes you block your family so they don't know what is really happening ;) if you know what i mean . So Facebook allows us to do that and we can easily perform this action . Just as in groups some people usually do spam and some of them are spammers too and you want to get rid of them but don't know how ? before you ban someone in Facebook Group lets have a look at what will happen
  • The person won't be able to see your Facebook Group
  • Posts in which he/she is tagged won't be visible to him/her
  • He/she can't be added until you can unban him/her
Must Read How to unban someone from Facebook Group
Now follow along to discover How to ban someone in Facebook Group

  1. Open Facebook Group in your browser
  2. Browse to Memmbers tab 
  3. Search for the person to be banned in Find a Member box
  4. Under the name of person Click Gear icon 
  5. Click Remove from Group
  6. Check Block Permanently
Now the person will never be able to access your Group and no member of the group will be able to add him .
If this helped share below !

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